
Home Brew 160-10m

2 times power triode 3-1000Z 160-10m Amplifier

This homebrew 2x 3-1000Z grounded grid amplifier is designed for 4KW PEP input for SSB service on the amateur bands between 1.8 and 29MHz


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The amplifier is entirely free of regeneration or parasitics.This amplifier is also service friendly with easy access to all components.


General components placements may be seen on the bottom of the shielded enclosure.



Shielded wires are used on all low voltage leads. Silver plated copper strip is used for all taps.


HV Power Supply input


HF-coil with taps rugged switches


Vacuum antenna realis & RF Choke


Input C with mechanical drive


Output C


Bottom view


Zero bias supply with P-Channel enhancement mode silicongate power field effect transistors.

-5.5A and -6.5A, -150V and -200V, 0.8 and 1.2 Ohm

Formerly Developmental type TA17512


Vacuum relais bottom view (28VDC) and grid intup to 3-1000




Bandswitch and second RF choke




Datasheet 3-1000Z

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